C&M Moving & Storage Houston

New App Makes Buying a House Easier

Moving to Houston: Big City, Big Task

While moving is exciting, we know that looking for a house is a giant task. Recently, Trulia created a mobile app to narrow down your search for the best open houses. It’ll save you time and energy as you view the outside, interior, and even the neighborhood of the home! Navigate a potential new home easily from the app and find out important information such as the average price of other homes in the same neighborhood, schools, and crime. Once you find your new home, be sure to download “The Fine Art of Moving”. Don’t forget to subscribe to our email list!

Experience Happy Hunting When Searching For Your New Home

From the Article: Get Some Of Your Sunday Back: Our Redesigned Apps Make it Easier Than Ever to Identify the Must-See Open Houses

We’ve all been there: you scan your phone throughout the weekend looking for open houses, only to be disappointed when you actually drive through one of the neighborhoods (this part of town doesn’t seem too safe) or notice that the home you’re in doesn’t quite look like the one you saw online or on your mobile app (the bedrooms are so small!). You aren’t alone. It’s a common problem that we at Trulia wanted to help solve. And that’s why we’re excited to announce the redesign of our iPhone and Android apps, just in time for the spring house hunting season.

Continue reading the article by clicking here.

Photo Credit: ARNOLD Masonry and Landscape via Compfight cc