C&M Moving & Storage Houston

Storage & Preservation of Fine Clothing

Preparing for a move is the perfect opportunity to take inventory of your wardrobe. Send all soiled garments to a high-quality cleaner. Have repairs made to any damaged pieces and replace missing buttons. Decide which items you no longer need and donate them to your favorite charity or arts or group — theater groups especially can repurpose a variety of clothing items.

Most moving companies use “wardrobe” boxes to move clothes from residence to residence. Little preparation is needed if clothes are to be boxed for short periods. But if you’re going to be putting items away for a long while, you’ll need to store them for proper preservation.

Long-Term Storage Tips

  • Do not store clothes in plastic bags – natural fibers need to breathe
  • Store clothing in breathable, bleach-free muslin bags or drape muslin over the shoulders
  • Use acid free preservation boxes
  • Place tissue in the shoulders and arms of shirts, blouses and suites
  • Pack clothes loosely in container to avoid creasing and wrinkling
  • Store clothes in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight to protect from humidity and fading

Couture purchased today, if cared for properly, will be the vintage of tomorrow. You never know when you’ll want to re-wear a certain outfit — perhaps the trend will return, or it may even become a valuable collector’s item! Taking the necessary steps to preserve and store your fine clothing items will extend their life for decades.

If you have any questions about your upcoming move, call C&M, a Houston storage and moving company at (713) 839-7677. C&M Moving and Storage specializes in “white glove moving,” transporting Houston’s finest art, furniture, and antiques.

Photo Credit: Wonderlane via Compfight cc